

Brothel Services

Lover play, Sexual sensation, Body wash, Tit fuck, All nude, Finger insertion, Licking, Whole body lip, Role play, Ejaculation OK, 69, deep kiss, Cum in mouth, Unlimited shots in time, Japanese style escort service, free love




・Forcing someone to have sex, negotiate, or engage in any other similar acts

(We will file a report of the crime with the local police and take appropriate action.)

・Voyeurism, wiretapping, or violent acts against companions

(We will file a report of the crime with the local police and take appropriate action.)

・People under the age of 18 (including high school students)

・Drunk, taking or using drugs or similar substances

・People associated with organized crime or those equivalent

・People with sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, or blood diseases, or those who are perceived to be so

・Colleagues, Scouting, poaching, or making remarks (1 million yen fine)

- Using the same room with multiple people

- Stalking a companion or similar actions

- Soliciting or inviting a companion without using our shop as an intermediary

- Restraining a companion after the time of use has ended, or similar actions

- Those who our shop staff judges not to be able to follow the precautions and prohibitions regarding operation and business

- In the event of cancellation for personal reasons, the full fee will be charged.

Those who do not follow the above items will be reported to official authorities.
We will strictly refuse future use by those who do not understand.

In addition, a fine of 1 million yen may be charged for damages.

If any of the above acts occur during the service, the service will be immediately canceled.
Please note that in such cases, no refunds will be given.



- 即使在使用时间结束后仍约束同伴,或任何类似行为。

此外,您可能需要支付 100 万日元的罚款作为损害赔偿。